Fast & Secure

The proximity of Crown Hosting to our locations enables fast and secure communication between applications that reside on legacy public sector systems. Additionally, datasets that need to run on traditional hardware, with Cloud-hosted applications.

Safe & Trusted

SCG provides you with a safe and trusted environment combining traditional hosting with cloud services, giving you the commercial and technical flexibility of cloud services, based in the UK.

Stay Connected

Super connected and resilient campuses that are agnostic to managed service providers, hardware and software vendors enable you to decide how your IT is designed and supported.

ARK Data Centres

Our network of data centres are of the highest quality and include ARK, which provides a direct link for customers using Crown Hosting services, from within the same building.

ARK provide flexible co-location services for the public sector and whether you are in the public sector, link to the public sector, or simply want to make sure your data is in a secure location, ARK data centres provide the perfect hosting environment.