Managed IT Solutions

As your business becomes increasingly digital, failing to evolve your IT infrastructure alongside it leaves you open to the major impact of both critical failures and successful cyberattacks. Not only do you need a robust and scalable solution, but also the additional resources to manage and secure it. Managed IT solutions are the answer.

What is managed IT?

SCG’s managed IT (also known as ITaaS, Internet as a Service) solutions operate as an outsourced, fully managed IT department adapting to the needs of your business, and providing total peace of mind.

Ultimate reliability

Are you worried about what would happen to your data in a worst-case scenario? Is your business being bogged down by IT issues?

In the event of hardware failure, loss of power or malicious activity, managed IT solutions provide access to a Cloud back-up with rapid restore to minimise disruption. Data centres with the latest disaster prevention technologies and full 24/7 security ensure your data is kept safe at all times.

Our managed IT solutions come with unlimited around-the-clock access to our help desk. Should your staff have any kind of IT issue, whether it’s installing new systems or software, or experiencing a glitch, they can contact us for prompt and effective assistance, whenever they need it. We also offer Microsoft environment management to help you leverage the full potential of these solutions to enhance collaboration and accessibility.

Proactive cybersecurity

What would the impact of a successful cyberattack be on your business? Have you considered the likelihood of being targeted?

As cybercriminals evolve, their attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and adaptive. They’ve also expanded their targets to include organisations of all sizes, since those who are smaller often lack sufficient security. All businesses are at risk, and none can afford the cost of a successful attack. However, relying on passive anti-virus software to protect your valuable data is not enough.

Our managed IT solutions come with 24/7/365 proactive monitoring from a live threat team. This enables us to employ advanced techniques such as ransomware canaries and persistent foothold detection, ensuring we eliminate potential threats and keep your business safe.

Increased visibility

As your business expands, how are you managing and maintaining the increased number of networked devices? What are the implications of failing to do so?

Managed IT solutions enable you to have visibility on all your networked devices, for easy auditing and asset management. It also gives us the ability to remotely monitor all your devices 24/7, conducting proactive maintenance to identify and resolve potential issues before they impact your business.

This visibility even extends to security status and patch update progress. Devices utilising out-of-date software expose another security risk; we ensure all your networked devices are updated to further increase cybersecurity.

Full scalability

Are you losing money by failing to employ IT management that’s cost-effective, fit for purpose and flexible enough to adapt with your business?

Traditional IT resources are often costly and inflexible. Our managed IT solutions work on competitive per user model pricing to scale with your business, making them the ideal choice for organisations of any size. Whether you need an ongoing outsourced IT department, or just some additional resources for a specific project, they often work out as a far more cost-effective alternative to increasing internal IT resources.

As your business grows, its IT requirements which undoubtedly change too. Managed IT solutions are flexible enough to adapt alongside your business, and our proactive management ensures you always have the right technology to achieve your goals.