Hosted Telephony Tips | SCG Connected

Hosted Telephony Tips

Always consider how hosted telephony is working for you and how you can make use of the enhanced features.

If you have recently installed a VoIP system or are considering switching from your existing  PBX system, it’s important to make sure you review how it can or will be used, and how you can benefit from all the advantages it has to offer.

To achieve this, here are some useful tips when it comes to utilising hosted telephony to its full potential:

Upgrade proactively

If your web portal indicates usage growth month on month with a continuing trend, get in touch with your telecoms advisor to increase your bandwidth so you’re system is capable of keeping up with demand. Being proactive will allow both staff and clients to get the best experience at your company and won’t limit the height of your success.

Automate reports

It’s possible to set-up automated reports for stats such as call logs via email, meaning you can scan an overview of usage quickly. This will keep you ahead in terms of overseeing communications and the insight needed to further increase productivity.

Training for new staff

Ensure that each new user of the system is fully trained from the beginning by another trusted staff member or by your telecoms provider. Whilst the system is intuitive, it is always best to provide a walkthrough for new users to avoid avoidable errors as they engage with the software and hardware for the first time.

Frequently review call logs

The data is recorded to provide insight on overall and individual performance. Ensure someone in the company has time to check the logs and look for any gaps in customer service or internal communication eg. number of unanswered calls. This is a form of troubleshooting that highlights areas of improvement quickly.

Ask staff/clients for feedback

After the initial set-up, training and usage, ask your staff for feedback and gain an understanding of which features are being used and which could be used to further improve performance. If appropriate, ask a limited number of clients about their experience as it’s important that VoIP works for both parties.

With enhanced functions, bespoke installation, call management and flexible upgrades, hosted telephony has the potential to exceed all expectations.

Click here to learn more about the functionality and benefits of hosted telephony.

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