Schools & Education
Keeping your school safe, secure and compliant
With communication and connectivity playing such a vital role within schools, we understand how difficult and time-consuming it is to evaluate service providers. Budgetary limits can also further complicate this process.
At SCG, our goal is to make it as easy as possible for educational facilities to employ the latest technology to become more safe, secure and compliant.
We are already working with over 650 schools across the UK, collaborating with Business Managers, Head Teachers and IT professionals to shape our bespoke education solutions, and how they are delivered.
All of this is backed by our industry-leading 4.9 Trustpilot rating, giving you peace of mind knowing that we’re never more than a phone call away. If you already have existing IT support, we can work directly with them to deliver a robust service.
Award-winning telephony for schools
Migrating your telephony to Evonex, our award-winning phone service for schools, is simple and cost effective. A classroom licence model means our education clients can often reduce costs whilst benefiting from a greater range of functionality.

We consider your school’s emergency planning, with a solution enabling you to instantly broadcast a unique alert across your premises at no extra cost. This will assist with Martyn’s Law compliancy through the ‘communicate’ element.
Paging alerts
An in-built paging system enables you to broadcast messages to all phones in the school, useful for quickly communicating information and for children on care plans.
Student support lines
Dedicated support phone lines where students can anonymously call and record messages. These can be used to report bullying, express mental health worries and other safeguarding policies.
Call reporting
Improve processes across your school, such as ensuring you monitor and respond to all unreturned missed calls, with automated and detailed call reporting.
Seamless multi-device telephony
Softphone availability gives your teachers and staff greater flexibility, enabling them to seamlessly switch to using a laptop, tablet or mobile device with an internet connection (such as 4/5G) to make and receive calls through an application.
Teams integration
Offering world-class collaboration features, Microsoft Teams fully integrates with our telephony solution, enriching the user experience through enhanced reporting, functionality, routing and the ability to fully record calls.
Advanced connectivity and mobile solutions for education
In addition to our transformative telephony solutions, we also offer a range of connectivity and mobile solutions tailored to the specific needs of schools. Unifying your telecoms with one provider makes them much easier to manage, with one single point of contact.
Improved mobile coverage
Rely on multiple networks to ensure coverage across your whole school grounds by using mobile devices with roaming SIMs.
Mobile device security & management
Use MDM (Mobile Device Management) to fully secure all your mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, and manage them from a single portal.
Content filtering / web filtering
We ensure that your students are kept safe when accessing online material at school, providing you with the right level of restrictions to avoid interfering with lessons.
As schools hold data for students, parents, teachers and staff, they are often a target for cyberattacks. We will protect your data, and shield your school from malicious activity so it can operate uninterrupted.
Find out all the ways that we can help your school